Tuesday 5 April 2011

A Recap And What's To Come…

So, we have now covered all the firsts steps to starting a work out plan;
  • you’ve thought about your goals and made them ‘SMART’
  • from this you’ve considered anabolic and catabolic states
  • you’ve thought about the order and make up of your cardio and MSE sections
  • And you’ve applied the principles of training
From here, with regards to session plans, we shall go on to discuss more specific areas of your training, including…
  • how to train different components of fitness e.g. speed, endurance, strength, flexibility etc
  • how to train at home
  • how to train in the gym
  • breaking down training by muscle group
  • how to train safely- warm ups/cool downs/injury control
  • how to improve your posture to maximise your training
…And lots more. So stay tuned and use the comments box to add any requests!

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