Thursday 7 April 2011

Your Daily Kcal Needs

Here we are going to discuss how to calculate our approximate Kcal daily needs.
BMR = basal metabolic rate
Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of kcals you burn at rest – i.e to keep living! Heart pumping/lungs working/temperature controlled etc.
Below is a general simplified method for calculating your approximate BMR
Women BMR= weight (kg) x 22
Men BMR= weight (kg) x 24
Next you need to take into account your activity levels to calculate your daily kcal expenditure. This is known as your PAL (physical activity level) and is used by placing yourself on the following scale:
  • Mostly inactive/sedentary mostly sitting = 1.2
  • Fairly active (walking and exercise 1-2 x week) = 1.3
  • Moderately active (exercise 2-3 x weekly) = 1.4
  • Active (exercise hard more than 3 x weekly) = 1.5
  • Very active (exercise hard daily) = 1.7

Daily kcal expenditure = BMR x PAL

E,g. female 60kg, active
= 60 x 22 = 1320 (BMR)
= 1320 x 1.5
= 1980kcal per day

And that is your total Kcal needs calculated. This is what your body individually requires to maintain it’s weight with your current activity levels.
Energy Balance:

To maintain weight your energy intake and expenditure must be in balance.
You gain weight when you food intake exceeds your energy expenditure,
If you want to lose weight you need to create a deficit in your energy balance. I suggest you look at losing 500-600kcals per day from your food intake. This way you will lose between 1-2lbs of fat a week. I would not suggest trying to lose weight fast than this as it will generally be via an unsustainable method and a greater energy deficit than this will force your body into ‘survival mode’ and cause you to metabolise lean tissue as well as fat.

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