Thursday, 31 March 2011

Obesity- the facts

Obesity is the accumulation of body fat causing BMI to rise above 30kg/m. Its hugely detrimental to health and is reaching pandemic proportions worldwide.
The UK currently has the 3rd highest obesity rates in the world. 1 in 4 adults are clinically obese and 1 in 10 children. The Department of Health predicts that if nothing is done, by 2050 60% of men and 50% of women in the UK will be obese. Obesity related treatments currently cost the NHS £4.2 billion per year, and we can expect this to double by 2050 in the rise in obesity continues like this.
The risk factors associated with obesity are enormous, but below is a short selection of them to give you a better idea of the range of dangerous conditions it can cause to all areas of health;
-heart disease of many kinds
-high blood pressure and cholesterol
-deep vein thrombosis
-excessive dermatological issues
- cancer, including breast, ovarian, liver, pancreatic, prostate, kidney, cervical, gallbladder, and more.
-polycystic ovaries
-erectile dysfunction
-renal failure
-sleep disorders
-respiratory problems
-depression and other mental health issues
and so much more.

It is becoming more and more socially acceptable and more of a ‘norm’ to become obese. This is not normal. This is not healthy. This needs to stop.
Although research is being done in to other causes of obesity and new treatments are being developed to treat it all the time, it is undeniable that the majority of the cases of obesity are caused by over-eating and under exercising and that the majority of cases can be treated by eating less and exercising more! This would save so many lives, so many miserable years and so much NHS money that could be used else where! Eating right and exercising more is something we can all do and we all should do to prevent obesity! Everybody knows the obvious benefits of exercise so i wont patronise by repeating them, but look at the list above! Did any of those spring to mind when you thought about the benefits of healthy living? You could help prevent all of the above conditions and so much more whilst looking great and feeling great too!

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