Wednesday, 30 March 2011

SMART Goals!

So, on to the topic of training now. Before you start training you need to think about what your goals are. From here you can make an informed and realistic plan to get you the results you want. This means your goals need to be SMART!

S – Specific (what exactly do you want? e.g. loose 10lbs, to run 5k, be be a size 6 etc)
M – Measurable (able to monitor your progress. e.g. pre/post weighing, circumference     measures, timing)
A – achievable (something you are able to do)
R -  Realistic (are you like to be able to do it and in said time?)
T – Time Orientated (given a time limit/target)

an example of a smart goal- ‘ i want to loose 6lbs in 6weeks through diet and exercise to go from a size 10 to a size 8.’

Once you have outlined your smart goals your are ready to make your training specific to what you want to achieve- weight loss/weigh gain/fitness gain/muscle bulk etc. It also gives you a time frame to work with to structure your training around. Perhaps most importantly, its also very motivating have realistic and achievable plans set out in front of you that are within reach and specific enough for you to be able to train appropriately for in order to be able to reach them.
This is the first step in your training/diet. Stay tuned and we’ll go on to discuss specific training methods etc for you to get the results you want.

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